Can it get anymore special? Not for 28 more years peeps! The next leap friday will be in 2036. Wow. So this post is gonna be special. I am working on it right now. But in the mean time go check out Elizasmom who, in spite of the worker's strike, managed another fine Fix-it Friday post!
Katie, the ever faithful the view from the hill has some awesome linkies for your littles.
We have a new player, my long time blog friend Jenny from Bombadee's Garden who is getting us ready for the next ice age and how to survive it with a kid.
Don't forget, it isn't too late to participate today. Fix-it Friday, your chance to either share something you enjoy doing, something you know, or anything you like, it can even just be a link to a website that inspires you. Fix-it Friday is even a chance to learn a thing or two! Drop me a comment or an email today and I will link to you and put you front and center. I am off to edit my post for today.
Taking a Leap for Fix-it Friday!
As you can tell from my previous post, my little Pea has been participating in a form of exercise that is gaining some respectibilty. Pole Fitness is the exercise and fitness without the striping or sex. Let me introduce you to some new citizens in the Tangled Kingdom.
First, we have Pole Mama, (Princess and Pole Mama have been friends since High School.)
And her little one, Pole Baby aka the Pea's best friend.
Pole Mama teaches Pole Fitness and she was so sweet and is willing to give you a FREE pole fitness lesson! Welcome to the Pole Fitness Studio.
First, you need to wear a sleeveless shirt and short shorts. Your skin helps you grip the pole. No lotions, or you will slip.
This is the official pole:
Should you wish to order your own, you can even get a portable one for your home.
The cutest little pole daughters you could ever hope to meet!
You have to learn the different grips.
The baseball grip:
The Power Grip:
The Goofy Grip:
The name of the grip Jo forgot:
The first move is called the Fireman:
The embed won't work, so here is a link instead:
The Fireman
Step by step:
Climbing the pole, you use your ankles:
And if you are Pole Mama and it is your studio, you say, "ick!" and "hand me that pole cleaner please!" And proceed to clean the top of the pole. Notice how strong her legs are! Pole fitness works!
You can be creative coming down:
Dang! Her thighs are STRONG!
The next move is The Martini:
The Martini
Step by step:
This one is called the chopper:
The Chopper
This one I think is so pretty, it is the Showgirl:
The Showgirl
And some various photos showing her awesome strength and fitness.
So, I hope you are as awed as I am at the incredible athlete Pole Mama is! And should you wish to be more fit, Pole fitness is a fun way to go.
Thank you Pole Mama, for inviting us to your studio on Leap Friday. If anyone lives in Utah and wants more info, please feel free to email me and I will get you the real address!
I love learning new things and this certainly is NEW to me! See ya next Friday!